
corn borer 玉米螟蟲。

corn brash

In this paper , the resistance of sweet corn varieties to asian corn borer ( acb ) ( ostrinia nubilalis ) were evaluated by means of host experimental population life table and natural population life table ; the order of their resistibility is as follows : s2 > y3 > h1 > y1 > c20 摘要利用亞洲玉米螟實驗種群生命表和自然種群生命表方法評價甜玉米品種對亞洲玉米螟的抗蟲性,結果得出亞洲玉米螟對不同甜玉米品種的抗性大小依次為:穗甜2號>奧甜2號>華1 >奧甜1號>超甜20 。

An example would be corn maize expressing a protein to control corn borer , often referred to as bt corn . in the case of herbicide - tolerant crops , the plant itself does not have pest control properties but is made to resist a chemical that would normally kill it 隨著我們進一步邁向真正全球化、整合化的經濟,隨著資本變得比勞動力更具流動性,我們有理由可以擔心:各家公司會利用這更大的流動性,在相互競爭的管轄權之間操縱圖利。

Bioassays using crude expression products in e . coli revealed that cry1ie and cry1ac proteins had a similar toxicity to corn borer as wild type proteins 純化這兩種蛋白的包涵體,用玉米螟進行蟲試。蟲試結果顯示原核表達的兩種包涵體蛋白對玉米螟有較好的殺蟲活性。

The results of insect assay with asian corn borer showed that transgenic tobacco plants carrying crylac and crylle showed insecticidal activity against corn borer 用轉基因煙草葉片進行蟲試,結果顯示轉基因煙草能有效殺死玉米螟幼蟲。

The results of evaluating of the resistance to asian corn borers showed some bt transgenic maize lines showed good insect - resistance 轉基因玉米田間和溫室玉米螟接蟲鑒定結果表明,有些轉基因玉米株系具有較好的抗蟲性。

The european corn borer , for example , destroys 40 million tons of the world ' s corn crop annually , about 7 % of the total 例如,歐洲玉米螟每年毀掉4000萬噸玉米,占世界玉米總產量的7 。

Inference forecast on oviposition time of overwintered corn borer based on multiple and complex fuzzy implication 基于多重復合模糊蘊涵的玉米螟產卵期推理預測